Case Studies
Fun interactive learning resources designed to inspire your students and SAVE YOU valuable lesson-planning time.
Our case studies include myriad simple lessons/activities suitable for a variety of learning abilities. You simply need to introduce the lesson/activities to your students, encourage them to tackle the group or individual tasks and assess their progress. Your students will be stimulated by the variety of resources and activities including:
- History games
- Video and Picture analysis
- Map and Google exercises
- Community research tasks
- Crosswords and cloze exercises
- Matching images, events and consequences
- Sequencing and sorting photos
- Creating timelines
- Quizzes
- Reading graphs and charts
- Decision-making
- Extension tasks
- Reflection tasks.

All Case Studies

Global History Mysteries Quiz
Years 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Who were the Vikings?
Year 8